© 2020 Ransom Stephens
RansomStephens - Speaker novelist, physicist, speaker
One Sheet Title: Neuroscience and the Great Questions Speaker: Ransom Stephens, Ph.D. Description: Neuroscience has built a case for addressing many of the Great Questions—nature or nurture, creative or analytic, talent or skill—as interdependent feedback loops: nature and nurture, alone and together, intellect and emotion. In this presentation, physicist and science writer Ransom Stephens begins with a description of how your brain works in three easy steps, advances to the emergence of consciousness in people and animals, and then, with the audience’s help, approaches those Great Questions all the way to free will and determinism, science and art, and life and death. “Borderline MAGNIFICENT--okay, across the border!” -Tucker Hiatt, founder and director of Wonderfest This speech will help participants understand: The dependence, independence, and interdependence of these seemingly separate concepts: Left & right brains Animals & people You & me Nature & nurture Talent & skill Intellect & emotion Analysis & creativity Alone & together Life & death Art & science “Entertaining and inspiring. Ransom’s knowledge is astounding and clearly stated.” -Julaina Kleist Details A 15, 35, 50, or 75 minute presentation for curious people. The presentation is best with an HDMI compatible overhead projector, but it’s not required. Each speech is customized to address the specific needs of the audience. Past speeches have been delivered to audiences at cafes, museums, community centers, colleges, bars, bookstores, and even in a mountain pavilion! “Ransom’s ability to captivate audiences while explaining complex ideas is an art form.” - Kim Heine, Beyond the Box Presentation About the speaker Ransom Stephens, Ph.D., physicist, science writer, and novelist has written hundreds of articles on subjects ranging from neuroscience to quantum physics to parenting teenagers. His book, The Left Brain Speaks but the Right Brain Laughs (Viva Editions), is an accurate irreverent look at neuroscience for a lay- audience with emphasis on innovation in art, science, and life. He builds his novels, The God Patent (47North), The Sensory Deception (47North), The 99% Solution (StrangeFuse), and Too Rich to Die (StrangeFuse), on accurate, digestible science to investigate complex social issues like the science- religion culture war, environmentalism and technology, plutocracy and anarchy. Ransom has given thousands of speeches across the US, Europe, and Asia and has developed a reputation for making complex topics accessible and funny. “Lots of energy! Good audience participation! Wow, time flew by through presentation.” -Tom Diola, ProMatch

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booking info

Watch videos of Ransom speaking to a variety of groups: Everything you need to know to book Ransom to speak plus speaker bio, photos, testimonials, past clients, philosophy, etc.
© 2020 Ransom Stephens
RansomStephens  novelist, physicist, speaker
One Sheet Title: Neuroscience and the Great Questions Speaker: Ransom Stephens, Ph.D. Description: Neuroscience has built a case for addressing many of the Great Questions—nature or nurture, creative or analytic, talent or skill—as interdependent feedback loops: nature and nurture, alone and together, intellect and emotion. In this presentation, physicist and science writer Ransom Stephens begins with a description of how your brain works in three easy steps, advances to the emergence of consciousness in people and animals, and then, with the audience’s help, approaches those Great Questions all the way to free will and determinism, science and art, and life and death. “Borderline MAGNIFICENT--okay, across the border!” -Tucker Hiatt, founder and director of Wonderfest This speech will help participants understand: The dependence, independence, and interdependence of these seemingly separate concepts: Left & right brains Animals & people You & me Nature & nurture Talent & skill Intellect & emotion Analysis & creativity Alone & together Life & death Art & science “Entertaining and inspiring. Ransom’s knowledge is astounding and clearly stated.” -Julaina Kleist Details A 15, 35, 50, or 75 minute presentation for curious people. The presentation is best with an HDMI compatible overhead projector, but it’s not required. Each speech is customized to address the specific needs of the audience. Past speeches have been delivered to audiences at cafes, museums, community centers, colleges, bars, bookstores, and even in a mountain pavilion! “Ransom’s ability to captivate audiences while explaining complex ideas is an art form.” - Kim Heine, Beyond the Box Presentation About the speaker Ransom Stephens, Ph.D., physicist, science writer, and novelist has written hundreds of articles on subjects ranging from neuroscience to quantum physics to parenting teenagers. His book, The Left Brain Speaks but the Right Brain Laughs (Viva Editions), is an accurate irreverent look at neuroscience for a lay-audience with emphasis on innovation in art, science, and life. He builds his novels, The God Patent (47North), The Sensory Deception (47North), The 99% Solution (StrangeFuse), and Too Rich to Die (StrangeFuse), on accurate, digestible science to investigate complex social issues like the science-religion culture war, environmentalism and technology, plutocracy and anarchy. Ransom has given thousands of speeches across the US, Europe, and Asia and has developed a reputation for making complex topics accessible and funny. “Lots of energy! Good audience participation! Wow, time flew by through presentation.” -Tom Diola, ProMatch

Videos and booking info

Watch videos of Ransom speaking to a variety of groups: Everything you need to know to book Ransom to speak plus speaker bio, photos, testimonials, past clients, philosophy, etc.